Kotlin Multiplatform: Cross-Platform Development for 2024

Estimated read time 4 min read

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) has emerged as a groundbreaking solution for streamlining cross-platform development. Developed by JetBrains in 2011, Kotlin aimed to simplify the development of applications across various platforms, including Android, iOS, web, and desktop. The introduction of Kotlin Multiplatform extended this vision, offering a sophisticated framework for sharing code between platforms and enhancing development efficiency.

The Evolution and Adoption of Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin’s evolution has been marked by significant milestones. While the language initially drew attention for its modern syntax and robust features, Kotlin Multiplatform faced several technical and adoption challenges in its early stages. A pivotal moment came in 2017 when Google officially endorsed Kotlin for Android development, substantially accelerating Kotlin’s adoption and paving the way for the growth of Kotlin Multiplatform.

Kotlin Multiplatform’s core advantage lies in its ability to enable code sharing across multiple platforms. By allowing developers to write common business logic and data models once, Kotlin Multiplatform reduces the need for platform-specific implementations. This approach not only decreases development time but also ensures a consistent design and user experience across platforms.

Technical Advantages of Kotlin Multiplatform

  1. Code Sharing Efficiency: Kotlin Multiplatform supports the development of shared code modules that can be used across Android, iOS, and other platforms. This capability is particularly beneficial for business logic, data models, and network operations. Shared code is written in Kotlin and compiled to platform-specific code, leveraging Kotlin’s multiplatform libraries and APIs.
  2. Seamless Integration with Android: Kotlin’s native support for Android provides a significant advantage. Kotlin runs directly on the Android Virtual Machine (JVM), allowing it to seamlessly integrate with existing Android frameworks, libraries, and tools. This results in a highly efficient development environment and improved performance for Android applications.
  3. Interoperability with Native Code: Kotlin Multiplatform offers strong interoperability with native code. For instance, on iOS, Kotlin code can interoperate with Swift and Objective-C, allowing developers to use platform-specific features and libraries where necessary. This flexibility ensures that the power of native tools is preserved, even while leveraging shared code.
  4. Platform-Specific Modules: Developers can create platform-specific modules in Kotlin Multiplatform to handle platform-specific functionality or performance optimizations. These modules can coexist with shared code, enabling developers to tailor their applications to the unique requirements of each platform without compromising the benefits of code sharing.

Current Limitations and Future Prospects

Despite its robust capabilities, Kotlin Multiplatform is not without its challenges. The iOS implementation, in particular, is still considered to be in an alpha phase. This means that developers might encounter incomplete features, limited tooling support, and integration challenges when working with iOS. Additionally, the Kotlin Multiplatform ecosystem is evolving, and there are ongoing efforts to improve the maturity and stability of the tools and libraries.

However, the future of Kotlin Multiplatform is promising. JetBrains is actively working on enhancing the framework, addressing existing limitations, and expanding its ecosystem. As the technology matures, it is expected to become an increasingly viable option for cross-platform development, particularly for projects that require a balance between shared code and platform-specific capabilities.

Developer Insights

To provide a comprehensive perspective on Kotlin Multiplatform, we consulted with a developer who has been actively testing the technology. In the video below, they share their firsthand experience with Kotlin Multiplatform, including insights into its strengths, limitations, and potential use cases. This feedback is invaluable for understanding how Kotlin Multiplatform performs in real-world scenarios and how it can be leveraged effectively.

Watch Developer’s Perspective on Kotlin Multiplatform


Kotlin Multiplatform represents a significant advancement in cross-platform development, offering a sophisticated solution for code sharing and platform integration. While challenges remain, particularly with the iOS implementation and ecosystem maturity, Kotlin Multiplatform provides a promising framework for developers looking to streamline their development processes and leverage the best of both shared and native code. As the technology continues to evolve, it is poised to become an essential tool in the cross-platform development toolkit.

For more in-depth analysis and updates on Kotlin Multiplatform and other emerging technologies, stay tuned to our blog.

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Moral Peláez https://esco60.42web.io/

Born in Esplugas de Llobregat, I have always had a certain hand with computers, I was afraid of hating them, that is why I appeared at the age of 44 as a computer scientist, I work in different areas, from hardware to software, with some programming in between, currently I am developing several projects with python and c.

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